Gentlepaws Kennels

Our goal is to breed healthy, no - low shedding family dogs with stable temperaments.   From our family to yours.  Qld Government Registered Breeder BIN0000130761578  Logan City Council Kennel licence is ANI/LICKEN/7272 we hold a 14 dog breeding/boarding/training licence with DA approval  ACN is 644 916 236

DNA testing - every breeder should be doing it.  

At GentlePaws Kennels, we prioritize the health and well-being of our beloved puppies and their future families. That's why all our parent dogs undergo comprehensive DNA testing through Orivet, ensuring they are DNA CLEAR by parentage or tested for any breed-specific genetic diseases like PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy), DM (Degenerative Myelopathy), CCDE (Curly Coat Dry Eye), Episodic Falling, Neonatal Encephalopathy, and more.

With this rigorous testing, we can confidently guarantee that none of our puppies will ever develop any of these testable genetic diseases. We believe in full transparency, and during your visit to meet your new furry family member, you'll have the opportunity to view the DNA results of our parent dogs firsthand.

Our commitment to responsible breeding doesn't stop there. We never breed from dogs with skin problems, digestive issues, or undesirable temperaments. Each puppy born at GentlePaws Kennels is a product of careful planning and dedication to producing healthy, happy companions for you and your family.

While some DNA tests screen for over 200 diseases, we focus on the specific genetic diseases relevant to each breed. We believe in quality over quantity, ensuring that our testing is tailored to the needs of our beloved dogs.

Experience the peace of mind that comes with choosing GentlePaws Kennels for your new furry friend. Visit us today and discover the joy of bringing home a healthy, genetically sound puppy to join your family.

Contact us for more information or to schedule a visit. πŸΆπŸ’•



At GentlePaws Kennels, we believe in providing the utmost care and enrichment for our parent dogs, ensuring they lead happy and fulfilling lives on our beautiful 7.5-acre property. With 2 acres of fenced yards to roam and explore, our dogs have ample space to play and indulge their natural instincts.

As a trainer, I place great importance on environmental enrichment, which is why our dogs enjoy regular play sessions with agility equipment, games of fetch, and even swims in the dam. Our Cocker Spaniels particularly enjoy their time in the garden, showcasing their innate skills. Each dog is treated as an individual, receiving plenty of love, cuddles, and attention.

Our commitment to their well-being extends to regular grooming and clipping in our dedicated Hydrobath and grooming room. We ensure they're up to date with vaccinations, worming, and flea/tick treatments, with prompt veterinary attention available whenever needed from our trusted partners at Victoria Point Vet Hospital.

Importantly, we do not believe in confining dogs to cages or small areas. Our puppies are born and raised indoors for their first few weeks, receiving round-the-clock care and attention. As they grow, they transition to purposefully designed puppy areas equipped with climbing obstacles, toys, and access to grass and sunshine, promoting both physical and mental development.

At GentlePaws Kennels, we not only meet but exceed the welfare standards for breeding dogs in Australia. Our breeding practices are guided by reproductive experts, ensuring each female is bred with careful consideration for her individual needs. We limit our girls to a maximum of 4 litters before retiring them to loving pet homes.

Experience the GentlePaws difference – where care and compassion come first. Contact us today to learn more about our breeding program and available puppies.


At GentlePaws Kennels, we understand the profound responsibility of breeding pets that will become cherished members of your family. With this in mind, we are dedicated to our end goal: to breed dogs that embody the epitome of health and temperament.

We take immense pride in the achievements of our dogs, many of whom have gone on to become fully trained therapy dogs, making a positive impact in various roles across different settings. From assisting child psychologists to providing comfort in nursing homes and airports, our dogs play a vital role in improving the lives of others. We've even had the honor of contributing to charitable foundations that grant wishes to those in need.

But beyond their professional roles, our dogs excel as beloved family pets. We recognize the importance of matching the right dog with the right family, drawing from our experience as trainers to ensure successful and fulfilling matches. We've witnessed the heartache that can result from unsuitable breed choices, which is why we're passionate about working with breeds we believe are best suited to the average family.

While we appreciate the beauty of different colors, we prioritize temperament and personality traits over appearance. Whether you're seeking a therapy dog or a loving companion, rest assured that we prioritize the qualities that truly matter.

At GentlePaws Kennels, our commitment goes beyond breeding dogs – it's about enriching lives and fostering lifelong bonds. Contact us today to learn more about our available puppies and how they can become a cherished part of your family. πŸΆπŸ’•



All of our puppies are vaccinated, vet checked, wormed (every two weeks), flea treated and microchipped.  They come with their veterinary paperwork, a comprehensive care sheet and a copy of their parents DNA test results.  Our dogs are fed a good quality diet.  We will only release a puppy for sale if we are satisified they are healthy and ready for their new home.  We will only place a puppy in their new home once they are 8 weeks of age. 

A cavoodle puppy we have bred

A cavoodle puppy we have bred


We are ABN holders and QLD Government Registered breeders.     We also hold qualifications in Dog Behaviour and Psychology.  With over 25 years experience training dogs we are big believers in positive reinforcement and puppy preschool.  Our Qld Government Registered Breeder no is BIN0000130761578 Our Logan City Council breeding/boarding/training Kennel licence is ANI/LICKEN/7272 Our ACN is 644 916 236

A spoodle puppy we have bred

A spoodle puppy we have bred